
Experienced, Approachable Partners

Angus Anderson

Angus Anderson

Operations Director

Matt Beesley

Matt Beesley


Matt Bowen

Matt Bowen

Vice President

Ben Bryles

Ben Bryles


Ervin Cash

Ervin Cash

Operating Partner*

Joey Delgado

Joey Delgado

Executive Assistant

Jordan Desjarlais

Manager of Talent Acquisition

Eric Dirst

Chief Technology Advisor*

Steve Dyke

Steve Dyke

Founding Partner

Ben Elasy

Ben Elasy


Andrew Foster

Andrew Foster

Vice President

Ross Fuller

Operating Partner*

Matt Iodice

Matt Iodice


chris jones

Chris Jones

Co-Founder and Managing Partner

Rob Langley

Rob Langley

Co-Founder and Managing Partner

Sarah Mahosky

Sarah Mahosky


Abby Makabali

Abby Makabali

Executive Assistant

Dan Meyer

Dan Meyer

Talent Partner

Maseel Mir

Chief Financial Officer and CCO

Dave Modi

Dave Modi

Vice President

James Moss

James Moss

Vice President

Brad Mundt

Brad Mundt

Operating Partner*

Katie Noggle

Katie Noggle

Partner, Business Development

Liz O’Dell

Liz O’Dell


Jack Parks

Jack Parks


Mary Margaret Roberts

Senior Accountant

Ryan Schmidt

Ryan Schmidt


Sally Schriner

Sally Schriner

Chief Marketing Advisor*

Matt Sweet


David Tiley

David Tiley

Senior Operating Partner

Sarah Tyson

Sarah Tyson

Vice President, Business Development

Sarah Whitney

Sarah Whitney

Vice President

* Independent contractor and not an employee of Align Capital Partners